INDUCTION HEATING is the in-direct process of heating Metal/Material with the principle of Electromagnetic Induction. In Induction heating process where material is heated to the required temperature without changing the physical property of the material.

Induction heating is applicable only for the conductive Material, when placed in a varying Electromagnetic Field. Any change in the electromagnetic field with respect to Power, Frequency and skin effect, which induces the current at both surface and the core, to have appropriate losses in a material which heats the component. Compared to any other methodology of heating a material, Induction Heating is one of the unique and the most efficient method of heating the material with very less dwell time and accurate heating.

Induction Pre-heating : Magnetotherm based induction preheating process where the metal is elevated to the required temperature after which polymer/plastic, sealing of fine particles which ensure deposition over metal surface.

Induction Post-heating : Magnetotherm based induction post heating process where the metal is elaved to the required temperature which ensure melting of polymer/Plastic/Sealant material to melt and uniform spread over the entire heating surface. In this method of heating where the metal can be joined with any kind of non conductive material.

Benefits of Magnetotherm based Induction Heating Machine :

  • Highest system integrated Electronics.
  • Improved highest dv/dt protections
  • Better system efficiency at varying load condition
  • Precise heating control.
  • Automated process control design.
  • Better heat Management design which enable Machine operation for 24/7.
  • Application suited design which enable maximum throughout.
  • Integrated electronics with system.
  • Improved noise immunity.
  • Faster heating and reduced cycle time.
  • Greater flexibility for user control.
  • Better fault management for easier trouble shooting’s.

Widest operating ambient temperature ranging from -10°C to +85°C as per custom specific requirement

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If you need any help, whether with new parts to be heat treated or any technical query and guidance for preventive maintenance on Induction Heating Machine and work coil contact for our experts advice. Designing of new Induction coil as per requirement with highly efficient coupling between components to be heated.

Our Magnetotherm Service expert’s team having hands on experience on various Induction Heating Application and requirement with fully equipped measurement system and spares availability for ease trouble shooting and installation. We design and support for all kind of Induction Heating Equipment and Induction coil considering the customer requirement and satisfaction.

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